China Is Hong Kong’s Future

Paul Chong/24 October 2014

hong-kong-protestHong Kong – Occupy Central

Don’t be British stooges nor be the “running dogs” of US

Hong Kongers, Hong Kongese or Hongkees, whatever name the people in Hong Kong like to be known as, are like “frogs in the well” . . . so confined & restricted in their outlook that they don’t know the realities of life in the outside world. For far too long (156 stolen years) they have been “kidnapped, forcibly occupied, indoctrinated & influenced by an evil imperial regime whose domination is no less evil in India, Malaysia & other colonies.

You know the world would have been a better place now if Adam & Eve hadn’t failed to disobey God about eating the forbidden fruit. Western media are more cunning & devious than the Devil in controlling the hearts & minds of people. It is not the object of this writing to detail their acts, but the diagram below demonstrates clearly the whole propaganda machine at the disposal of US & its puppets:

The Propaganda Macine

For example, Hana Alberts, an editor & writer for Forbes & alternatively for the weekly HK Magazine, must have got rocks in his head when he wrote in his article “We Are All Hongkongers” of a “borrowed place living on borrowed time”. This is clearly a journalistic lie & propaganda of western media to create instability & further insinuating with the question of constantly ”struggling with identity issues”.

If the people in Hong Kong know their root & genealogy, they will understand that they are Chinese . . . yes, nothing but Chinese with ancestral ties in Mainland China. A large part of them are Cantonese, having come from the province of Guangdong. The national language medium of Mandarin is understood by most in Hong Kong. There’s no question of “identity issues.” Before taking flight, you must fundamentally know your root.

From the Bible, Jeremiah 13:23 (King James Version):

“Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.” This clearly illustrates the notion that things cannot change their innate nature.

Hong Kong was & is part of China. It was the British who usurped Hong Kong through an unfair treaty. Britain was evil & avaricious to gain a foothold onto China and for 156 years ruled Hong Kong without democracy or free speech. In fact, the Chinese were treated as “dogs”. There were privileged clubs & designated areas where “Chinese & Dogs Are Prohibited”. Humiliation suffered by the people then may not be known by the present generation of Hong Kong. Many would not have known of the humiliation of opium addiction because of the evil trading of the British East India Company. Hopefully, the Chinese in Hong Kong are no longer “sick” oblivious & still craving for opium deviously introduced by the British.

There is no question of “borrowed time”. Hong Kong is China’s. Its sovereignty lies with China. With due respect & honour, peace & goodwill, no other western power should intervene or interfere with China’s internal affairs. Of course, outside forces are just waiting for things to go wrong, but China is no longer the “sick man” of Asia (all because of opium).

China is changing. It is not perfect, but will get better & better with the passage of time. No Utopia or Shangrila exists in this world. In fact, no visitor to Hong Kong or China can visibly fathom or see any evidence of “communistic characteristics”. Under the “one country two systems”, the Rule of Law, free speech & the right to protest are protected . . . something which the Hong Kong people never had under the British. The idea of any kind of democracy was first introduced by the Chinese government with adopting the Basic Law in 1990 including the commitment that in 2017 the territory’s chief executive would be elected by universal suffrage. It also spelt out the nomination of candidates would be a matter for a nominating committee. Democracy activists claim that China’s plans will allow it to screen out the candidates it doesn’t want.

Hong Kong people are forgetting that all its past 28 governors were appointed by the British government & was ruled from 6,000 miles away in London. All colonies failed to realise the suffering of classical exploitation with “drainage” trade benefiting the colonial masters. 

There are complicated problems that require great long term insight & administrative skills, so decisions cannot be hastily made nor can it be trusted to the average Chinese citizens. The Chinese system of governance/democracy has won favour with lots of global academicians. Need I say more . . . results of economic growth & development in the last thirty years speak louder than words. Hong Kong no doubt has had its fair share.

I fail to understand the Hong Kong people’s resentment at mainlander’s success & the extent of looking down on the mainlanders – their own kind. This is really deplorable.

It’s a civil disobedience movement which began in Hong Kong on September 28, 2014. It calls for thousands of protestors to block roads & paralyse Hong Kong’s financial district if the Beijing & Hong Kong governments do not agree to implement universal suffrage for the chief executive election 2017 & the Legislative Council elections in 2020 according to “international standards.” The movement was initiated by Benny Tai Yiu-ting, an associate professor of law at the University of Hong Kong, in January 2013.

Millions have been lost since this Occupy Central started. Occupy Central was to be carried out with Love & Peace. But in exercising their rights to assemble, they are encroaching upon the rights of others. It’s unlawful when you deprive others of their livelihood such as the taxi drivers, bus drivers, business operators & others. This upheaval is causing Hong Kong to lose its role as the gateway to China

The Law has been more than patient. In the 17 years since the return, China has, whatever the gainsayers might suggest, overwhelmingly honoured its commitment to the principle of “one country, two systems”. The same mus understandably be shown by these young protestors. The golden era enjoyed by the Hong Kong people is not result of the British but of the Chinese.

Hong Kong got rich because of China. It fed an ego & an arrogant attitude when the Hong Kong Chinese came to enjoy a much higher standard of living than the mainlanders. This resulted in their arrogance of looking down on the mainlanders as being inferior peasants, poor, ignorant & uncouth. To look down on your own kind is unforgivable and they want to be associated with the westerners because of material wealth or status.

Shanghai, Shenzhen & Guangzhou would soon surpass Hong Kong. Initially, China might have needed Hong Kong but it is not really as true now. Hong Kong now would be in trouble without China. Since the return of Hong Kong China has given more & more without taking even the taxes. Hong Kong Chinese are enjoying a life style all mainlanders would be envy of.

You are urged to stop monkeying around. All things considered, stop being idealistic but be pragmatic. Hong Kong is the “Pearl of the Orient”. Don’t spoil it. China is proud of it & would do no harm to it. China is Hong Kong’s future.




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oKong governments do not agre

US Now Admits it is Funding “Occupy Central” in Hong Kong (The Washington Post 1/10/2014)

U P D A T E  –  AS ON 2 DECEMBER 2014

WireAP_52dbf924d78c448ab494013c9b00e2f4_16x9_992Three protest leaders, from left, Chan Kin-man, Benny Tai Yiu-ting and Chu Yiu-ming, attend a news conference in Hong Kong Tuesday, Dec. 2, 2014 as they announce that they will surrender to police. Three protest leaders in Hong Kong – two professors and a pastor – are calling for an end to street demonstrations to prevent violence and take the campaign for democratic reforms to a new stage. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung) Close The Associated Press

Three student leaders had been arrested prior to this. 

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