Ridiculous Commercial Roofing Services

Ridiculous Commercial Roofing Services

Paul Chong     31 July 2021

Most retirees usually downsize to move to smaller dwelling units or the old folks homes. Consequently, they sell their homes, settle for smaller units & whatever excess fund they have they spend it on going for holidays.

Flipping the coin over, our Commonwealth Government these days is trying to encourage old folks to stay back in their own homes by providing home services & assistance. It really costs the government more to establish retirement homes. Towards this end. service providers are springing up in support of the scheme. Qualified old folks get help & assistance in gardening, domestic cleaning, laundry service, transport, shopping & home maintenance. Depending on your health conditions, those with more disabilities are placed on a higher level; of care & services getting all services for free.

At our present Level Two scheme we have to bear for some home services like roof restoration. I called up three roofing companies for quotes re some water leakage in one corner of our master bedroom. Most commercial companies are not interested in small jobs. Three of those I called are most impressive in their sales & service presentations . . . offering the latest technology in roof tiles & heat retention & resistance, colour of roof tiles & paint work. They even suggest to you to change the gutters & downpipes etc. To me, what’s not damaged should be left untouched.

The first sales representative said the whole work would require two or three days work, & if we allowed his company to put up an advertisement in front of our house, the project would cost us $26,000. We must however accept the offer there & then. I asked for a written quote that I might have the family’s decision. He refused & arrogantly closed his files & even seemed hostile saying that we would have to otherwise pay $35,000. Off he went . . . what arrogance!

The second guy proposed switching from the tiles tio metal roofing, guaranteed no leak for years to come. It would cost us only $29,000 & wise got to give him an immediate reply. I told him that money didn’t grow on trees, money must be spent wisely. Again, off he went.

The third guy was from a company as advertised in Kalamunda Shopping Centre. I phoned in for a quote. Weeks passed no one showed up. Finally, a six-footed of a guy showed up with his briefcase. He said he was the manager of the company & apologised for this long delay. He went up the roof for two minutes (just the front portion of the house. Upon coming down he said he had to change 50 roof tiles. How on earth he determined that without really lifting up the tiles & examining them? He said the whole project on that day’s special would be only $850.00. However, I had to decide rightaway. If he had to await my decision over the weekend, the price would be $11,500! Can you believe that? What can of a fool would I be to fall for such a move?

To cut short the story, we had the roof restoration done about 5 years ago & it only cost me a little over $4,000 with assurance to last for years.

All that is needed ids too replace some tiles in that corner of the house. A handyman or a young man could easily do that without any problem. As the owner, I am now fast the stage of climbing roof. Perhaps, God will send me an angel! 


2 thoughts on “Ridiculous Commercial Roofing Services

  1. Bernard

    Thank you very much for sharing this story, Paul. I am sure many especially older people have similar stores and can relate to your predicament. The problem these days is that most people in this trade are not independent these days but part of a larger company. And therein is the problem.
    I hope that you will soon find a solution to yours.

  2. James

    Ahhh brother Paul you are about to get “slaughtered”! If you live in Malaysia that job will probably cost you maximum RM1,000 (if complicated). Maybe if you meet a friendly repairman, only RM500 or even less.
    I got my roof leak repaired for RM200.
    At the price quoted you can get a completely new roof here!

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