Witnessing the Rare “Full Circle of the Rainbow”

By P Chong                  Wed. 31 March 2010

The “Full Circle” phenomenon has been mentioned in the Bible twice only: Ezekiel 1:28 and revelation 4:3 which include the “full circle of the rainbow” of God’s glory. The day we come face to face with God, we shall begin to understand the full circle of His glory, His kindness to man, His love & wisdom.

We only see a part rainbow occasionally. God sees it continually. Rainbow had a special significance to Noah’s descendants, that the rain would never be again become an earth-engulfing flood. We know that it is the sun that shines through the rain which paints the beauty of the rainbow. To Noah’s descendants, they would never case to rejoice & praise God for the promise of the rainbow . . . and that then was not even a “Full Circular Rainbow”.

Spiritually, we also know that “when a person consciously sees the smile & love of God in the midst of present trouble that the the true glory & beauty of Christian life is revealed to the world around.”

My wife & I together with 13 others, after a dedication service, had the privilege of witnessing the “full circle of the rainbow” phenomenon on Perth Hill on Sunday, 28 September 1997 at 8.00 am.

Now, on a less serious note, it’s my pleasure to share with you some of the glorious sights of rainbow occurrences around the world. These are God’s gifts to feast your eyes. They are semicircular rainbows – still a rare sight to behold with some of them having a fainter secondary rainbow.

Alaska’s Wrangell-St.Elias national Park. Feel like yodelling!

At the beach of Carsethorn, Scotland

McFall Missouri- A rare beauty to behold

New York City – See the smog beneath the rainbow


Silicon Valley US is rarely this beautiful

St Johns Virgin Islands US

Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

Tulum in Quintana Roo, Yucatan, Mexico A rare optical illusion called a “sundog” of an upside down rainbow

Whitestone, Alaska – a stunning perfect semicircular rainbow with a fainter secondary one


If you had or ever get to see “The Full Circle of the Rainbow” please write & share your experience. I would love to hear from you. Email: paul.chong33@gmail.com

UPDATE: Friday, 4 January 2019

Strange & even stranger phenomena are happening in this DNA age.Since this article was published lots of other witnesses have written to me to share their experiences. But today a video of multiple rainbows was forwarded to me, not merntioning this very strange phenomena happened. The usual rainbow seen after the rain is itself a rare occurrence. God is definitely telling us or sending the message or omen  that something will be blowing in the air.vStrange & even stranger phenomena are happening in this DNA age.Since this article was published lots of other witnesses have written to me to share their experiences. But today a video of multiple rainbows was forwarded to me, not merntioning this very strange phenomena happened. The usual rainbow seen after the rain is itself a rare occurrence. God is definitely telling us or sending the message or omen  that something will be blowing in the air.Strange & even stranger phenomena are happening in this DNA age.Since this article was published lots of other witnesses have written to me to share their experiences. But today a video of multiple rainbows was forwarded to me, not merntioning this very strange phenomena happened. The usual rainbow seen after the rain is itself a rare occurrence. God is definitely telling us or sending the message or omen  that something will be blowing in the air.Strange & even stranger phenomena are happening in this DNA age.Since this article was published lots of other witnesses have written to me to share their experiences. But today a video of multiple rainbows was forwarded to me, not merntioning this very strange phenomena happened. The usual rainbow seen after the rain is itself a rare occurrence. God is definitely telling us or sending the message or omen  that something will be blowing in the air. NB: Video temporary not available. Try this: 


6 thoughts on “Witnessing the Rare “Full Circle of the Rainbow”

  1. Pingback: 12 Rare-Sighted and Beautiful Shots of Rainbow

  2. I’ve seen a circle like the first picture last year when I was at my Uncle Mike’s house in Long Beach California and I was swimming in his pool when I got out I looked at the sun and the rainbow was there I didn’t have a phone yet so I couldn’t take a picture the rainbow was smaller than the one in the picture posted on this site. I was 11 last summer and I’m 12 now does this mean I got blessed by god?

  3. Carol Tomayko

    I was glad to find your blog since I had never seen a full circle rainbow until 8/18/17. My daughter and I were in the ocean at Ft Lauderdale Beach. When we looked up we saw a beautiful circle rainbow. It was amazing to see. It felt like standing under a glory portal to heaven. Just wanted to share are amazing day and the glory of God.


    i just had lunch when i saw a full circle rainbow.i had not seen such before. i was glad it happened on 16 april 2017 which was my birthday

  5. Charles Ckristano

    How often we don’t realize that we have limited God’s ability because of our very own inability.
    We seldom acknowledge that our God is way much much more greater and powerful. God is seldom reveal His true-self or else we are consumed. If He is always reveals Himself as He truly is…we die!

    Who do we think we are? The creatures cannot and are not able to know the Creature. What a shallow “knowledge” we have. Do we really think that no matter how good and great a colorful picture we “made” even IF we can make a or MORE photos with all the HELP of new technology will be able to understand the photographers? God has mercy on us!

    Charles Christano from Kudus, Central Java Indonesia.

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