The Bible: Some Interesting Facts For the Laymen

Shared by P Chong                              Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Amazing Sky Sign: God's Love

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God maybe thoroughly equipped for every good work.” – 2 Timothy 3:16

What some well-known people had to say about the Bible:

I believe that the only way to understand any given passage in the Word of God is to take the whole Bible and place the point of it, like an inverted pyramid on that passage, so that the weight of the entire word rests upon a single verse or indeed, a single word.” Donald Grey Barnhouse

It takes the Holy Spirit to make us docile to the Bible . . . to give us the discipline to study and the humnility to accept the truth we find without twisting it.” – John Piper

It ain’t those parts of the Bible that I can’t understandthat bother me, it is the parts that I do understand. –Mark Twain

Do not try to imagine God or you will have an imaginary God.” – A. W. Tozer

There are:

  • 66 Books (39 Old Testament and 27 NT)
  • Written by more than 30 people
  • Among its authors were a tax collector, a herdsman, a doctor, a doctor, some fishermen, a philosopher, a preacher, some prophets, a statesman, a king and a rabbi.
  • Written over a period of about 1,500 years
  • It has 30, 442 verses.

Isaiah 66 chapters (96 pages) (Longest Book)

Palsm 150 154 pages

Obadiah 1 chapter only (21 verse) (Shortest Book)

Jude 25 verse

Shortest Verse “Jesus wept”.

Shortest Prayer in the Bible “Lord, save me!” (Matthew 14:30)

Shortest chapter Psalm 117


There is only one gospel, on which all the apostles agreed (1 Cor. 15:11), and Paul could call down the curse of God upon anybody – including himself – who preached a “different” gospel from the original apostolic gospel of God’s grace (Gal. 1:6-8). Yet the apostles expressed this one gospel in various ways –

  • Now sacrificial – the shedding and sprinkling of Christ’s blood
  • Now messianic – the breaking in of God’s promised rule
  • Now legal – the Judge pronouncing the unrighteous righteous
  • Now personal – the Father reconciling his wayward children
  • Now salvific – the heavenly Liberator coming to rescue the helpless
  • Now cosmic – the universal Lord claiming universal dominion.

More general facts here for your  interest:

* It’s the best-selling book year after year.

* It’s been translated into 1200 languages.

* The Bible has 1,189 chapters.

* It has 31,173 verses.

* It has 773,692 words.

* It has 3,566,480 letters.

* The longest word in the Bible is MAHERSHALALHASBAZ.

*The word “and” is found 46,277 times in the Bible.

* The word “reverend” appears only once in the Bible.

* The oldest man recorded in the Bible was METHUSELAH (969 years-old).

*In America, 168,000 Bibles are being given or sold everyday.

* The Bible can be read aloud in 70 hours.

* King Solomon had 700 wives & 300 concubines.

* There are no cats mentioned in the Bible.

* All dogs go to Heaven.

* The Garden of Eden was in Iraq.

* The Bible described the dinosaurs in Job 39 -41.

* The shortest mentioned in the Bible was BILBAD in Job 8:1.

* The Bible was the first printed book.

The Bible has influenced billions of lives forever!

Let the Bible show you the way to Heaven!

2 thoughts on “The Bible: Some Interesting Facts For the Laymen

  1. Daniel Koh

    Paul,Thank you for all your wonderful emails/blogs that I read through.I am not a good writer and not fluent with the language,hence am only good to read and a very slow learner.So I request to be humbly excused for not giving any feedback in the past.I note that you are closing your email blog and I shall miss reading them.Bye and best regards to you and family.

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